Have you noticed that many of your reception children are starting school with a weaker…
And the JumpStart Charity of 2018 is…
The first big news of the year is that we have chosen Rainbows to be our charity of 2018. Rainbows is the East Midlands’ only hospice for children and young people and is based in Loughborough. The charity offers a place where life-limited children and their families can find care and support.
We’re delighted to partner up with such a brilliant cause and we’re planning a whole year of support for the charity….
- Rainbows will be attending our flagship dance festival: Jump2it! The show takes place this year on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th March at Loughborough Town Hall
- I will be completing my second ever triathlon and all fundraising received will be donated to Rainbows
- We are hoping to run some dance activities with the children at the hospice later on in the year
In a few weeks, JumpStart will be going on a tour around the hospice and we’ll be blogging about the experience here, so watch this space!
Rainbows only gets around 15% of their funding from government bodies, so they rely on donations to fund the care they give. If you would like to donate to this amazing cause, you can do so on their website here.
Thanks x