Immerse your children in a cultural arts experience where your curriculum is brought to life through creative movement and dance. Invite us in to transform your class into a hoard of gladiators, step into the shoes of Golilocks or become busy bees in our garden.
Children will take part in active learning, whilst engaging in a high quality dance session with opportunity to create simple sequences as well as perform and reflect.
Our sessions are a perfect way to launch your latest topic, connect kinaesthetically with learning or create something to share with your school community.
I’ve had nothing but praise from the team for your lessons. Thank you for all your hard work and research that has definitely brought our topic to life
– Sketchley Hill Primary School
We cover all areas of the curriculum from reception all the way through to year 6. Recent topics have included…
Chocolate and Willy Wonka (Church Hill Infants, Thurmaston)
- six week project exploring chocolate with year 2
- focused on key narrative and characters from the story
- finished with a performance to the school
Sound (Sketchley Hill Primary School, Hinckley)
- six week project exploring sound with year 5
- focused on body percussion, silent movement and creating street dance sound waves
- finished with a performance to the year 2s
Different Settings (Seagrave Primary School)
- six week project exploring settings with year 3-4
- focused on immersing the children in a range of genres exploring all the senses
- settings included…haunted house, the wild west and the moon
Any topic can be turned into movement and dance, so get in touch if you want your classroom theme transformed into a bespoke session.

It was lovely to see that an opportunity like this helps them to show that they can do things and can shine in their own way
– Thrussington Primary School
The curriculum sessions are accessible, inclusive, engage boys in dance and most of all fun!
They are also fantastic for staff CPD – an opportunity for teachers to observe a specialist, engage in supportive discussions and aid delivery. Lesson plans can also be made available on request.