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Calling all PE Coordinators! Excellent Dance INSET Courses Here
Calling all PE Coordinators! Excellent Dance INSET Courses Here
We save you time and energy when you are planning your staff dance training.
PE Coordinators are all different.
Perhaps you have a sports background.
Maybe you’re a trained dancer.
Or you’re the enthusiastic new teacher that’s been given the role, even though it’s not exactly your area of expertise.
Regardless of your background, part of your role as subject leader is providing staff training in all aspects of PE. We’ve got the dance curriculum covered.
What is JumpStart Dance INSET?
Our INSET days are set out to help you to fill out the gaps in your staff’s dance knowledge, building confidence and give you the right foundations to integrate Dance into your school. We arm you with an array of practical and instantly usable ideas that are accessible to both boys and girls. Our ideas are also linked well to curriculum topics that are fun, creative and relevant to today’s primary school children.
We offer a range of INSET options:
- Twilight: £197
- Half day: £257
- Full day: £397
And ***NEW*** for next year, we are launching a ‘Children and Educator’s’ INSET which will include a range of workshops for different year groups throughout the day with a twilight session for staff at the end, all for £497.
The full details of what we include in these packages are on the website. One element that staff particularly like is that you can direct which key stage(s) we focus on during the training.
We cover a wide range of skills during our INSET days including;
- What topics are suitable for primary-aged children and how to make them feel “current” and relevant.
- Advice for creating and developing choreography.
- Ideas for delivering an after-school club.
Our dance topics are catered to suit all primary school children from Foundation to KS2, with fun and accessibility at the heart of everything we do.
Example topics:
- Foundation Stage: Julia Donaldson books
- KS1: People Who Help Us
- KS2: Space
We create dance sessions which can be incorporated into what they’re learning in the classroom already. There are more examples of our topics on our website.
It is worth noting that no one is filmed or photographed during our INSET sessions without explicit consent.
Why not do it yourself?
Delivering staff training to your everyday colleagues can be challenging, especially if you are the newest or least experienced member of staff. At the very least, it’s another thing to organise and can be a little nerve wracking. Even if you have professional dance training and are confident in your own knowledge and skills, you can benefit from an outside professional.
We understand that participating in dance training requires a bit of a leap of faith and many people feel that they are in a vulnerable position. This is often easier to work through with an outside professional, leaving you to stay part of the learning group. We are very quick to assess the ability of adults, as well as children, and give discreet support where it’s needed.
Statistics to back you up
The way schools allocate their INSET budget varies, but it always helps to have supporting evidence for your suggestion. If ‘improve PE provision’ is part of your school’s action plan, then you probably won’t have much persuading to do.
Otherwise, these facts may be helpful when you approach SLT with your idea:
- Dance is really important for the Physical and Mental Health of children. Statistics from the Health and Social Care Information Centre showed that 1 in 3 children are overweight or obese by the time they leave primary school.
- Dance reduces anxiety and depression. The activity gives us feel good endorphins and improves our mood.
- The activity increases communication skills with their peers and adults. These skills are vital to their cognitive development.
- Dance activity helps a child develop a greater range of movement throughout their body. Our bodies have 642 muscles and dancing really helps make use of these muscles in their activity.
- Dance provides a great outlet for their imagination and emotion. Having Dance as an option for an outlet enables your children to explore emotions they may not be able to articulate otherwise.
We know your colleagues already know all this. It just helps you make your case to have them all in one place. It also means that your staff will get all these amazing benefits when they participate in JumpStart staff training.
It might be a good idea to team up with your PSHCE lead, as the physical elements are also all linked to emotional and social development.
Can’t wait to see you
Our aim is simple – to bring fantastic dance to your school’s staff and children. Don’t just take our word for it, see what your colleagues in other schools have to say.
“The tutor was very inspiring and broke down each element of the lesson. Great time – really enjoyed it” London PE and School Sport Network teacher
“I thought it was fab! Met the needs of our school and staff and gave lots of ideas” College House Junior School, Nottingham
“It’s made me really excited to plan and deliver dance, which I usually dread a little” Sports Coach, Blackpool Football Club
“Fantastic passionate leader! Very inspiring!” SCITT student, Leicestershire
Click here to see the full information about our INSET courses and make an enquiry
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