Virtual Dance Festival 2021
Looking for inspiration for the ‘OUR EARTH’ theme? Scroll down for some ideas and suggestions.
Inspiration from art
- How about these thought provoking graffiti art works from Banksy?
- Or something from Henri Rousseau?
Inspiration from Role Models
- Greta Thunberg is a fantastic role model for our young people, particularly in raising awareness of climate change
- And David Attenborough could be used as inspiration to create a dance piece based on sustainability or a documentary-style piece about nature
- There are SO many lovely children’s books about nature. For younger readers there’s stories such as…
- For older children you could focus on…
- Or something that is issue-based like…
You can find inspiration from your own topic work in class, or a project the school might be focusing on. Here’s a list of more suggestions…
- Gardening: growing, plants, mini-beasts
- Oceans
- The jungle
- Wild animals
- Seasons
- The weather
- Water Cycle
- Eco school projects
- Forest schools
Most of your schools will have some JumpStart ‘Dance Class in a Box’ resources from Dance Development training events, so have a look through these too!