Japanese culture has always been a source of mystery and intrigue to western societies and…
Football World Cup – The Rainforest
A few years ago, I was introduced to the musical Yanomamo, when I was asked by Riverside Community Primary School to help choreograph two dances for a show. Yanomamo “describes the crisis situation in the Amazon Basin, where rainforest trees are being felled for use as commercial timber, the land cleared for ranching, and thousands of peasants from Brazil’s overcrowded cities arrive in search of a better life” (roseconlonmusic.co.uk)
The music score includes songs about Brazil’s rainforest and it’s inhabitants, including animals and tribes people, and it’s a great way to introduce children to the beauty of the Amazon and some of the problems it faces.
I have been using songs from the show to link in with the Brazil / World Cup topic in my classes. I have included a video of The Jaguar, which you can learn and teach in your own schools.
More info about the musical
Video clips on YouTube sung by children
Let me know which songs inspired you to create dance – and did you try The Jaguar in your school?