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Jump2it! is our flagship performance festival for schools within North and South Charnwood and gives children the opportunity to showcase their talent in a professional and non-competitive performance environment.

The show takes place every year at Loughborough Town Hall and is open for all schools affiliated to North and South Charnwood (the local School Sports Partnership)

The audience commented…

Wicked show, the enthusiasm of the kids shone through. Must do it again. Fantastic show! Never thought you’d get my son to perform, but he was great! Well done all!!!


The teachers remarked…

What an event you have organised! Impeccable organisation throughout the whole day.


The children said…

We enjoyed the day and even though we were nervous to start, as the curtains closed we couldn’t help but scream and cheer!


And Team Charnwood said…

Thank you for producing two fantastic evenings of dance for everyone involved. The choreography has been excellent and it’s clear to see how engaged all the students have been.

Our next Jump2it! will be on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th March 2020

Want to take part? Here’s the documents you need…

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