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Bring Back Boredom!

In our quest to become more creative, you may suppose that by filling our time with experiences, information and stimulation we would fuel our imaginations.  Turns out that's not quite the case... Let's begin with examining boredom.  Can you remember…

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So what exactly is creativity?

If you have been following our blog, or have worked with JumpStart, you'll already know we're big fans of creativity.  In fact, it is at the heart of what we do in our creative dance practice: our unique blend of…

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Childhood Obesity Plan, pt. 2

Following on from the launch of the government’s Childhood Obesity Plan (part 2) we’ve digested the information into a bite-sized summary of key findings and recommendations, with a specific focus on Schools and physical activity. The role of schools Part…

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Mental Health and Dance

I love dance!  Which I’m sure comes as no surprise to hear seeing as it’s the nature of our business at JumpStart.  I love it because it’s always been a hobby of mine. I’m also aware of the contribution it…

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Reasons to Dance: Brain Food

Taking part in physical activity doesn’t just have a positive impact on your physical health and your well-being. It can actually improve your intelligence. A study in North Carolina focused on raising the activity levels in children and discovered that…

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